Pondělí, 17. června 2024

Tendr - Rumunsko, Temešvár - kanalizace

Tendr - Rumunsko, Temešvár - kanalizace

RO-Timisoara: EBRD - Timisoara sewerage improvements (RO-Timisoara)

2004/S 57-049224

Invitation for tenders



This invitation for tenders follows the general procurement notice for this project which was published on EBRD web site on 26th November 2003.

The Regia Autonoma Apa si Canal Timisoara \'Aquatim\' (hereinafter referred to as \'the Employer\') has been granted a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter referred to as \'EBRD\') towards the cost of a project for extension and rehabilitation of the sewerage infrastructure in Timisoara.

This particular project is part of the overall ISPA programme and is referred to the Financing Memorandum under the measure No 2000RO/16/P/PA/004.

The Employer now invites sealed tenders from contractors for the following contracts to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan:

1. to replace approximately 2,6 km sewers between 300 mm and 1 000 mm diameter in the areas of Stadion, Iosefin, and Zona UMT together with associated property connections, manholes and chambers.

2. To lay approximately 9,6 km sewers of new sewers in the areas of Mehala, Freidorf and Bucovina; from 300 mm diameter up to 1 600 mm diameter together with associated property connections, manholes and chambers.

3. To supply cleaning and maintenance equipment including:

- maintenance vehicles, computer equipment and spares.

Tendering for contracts to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the bank is open to firms from any country.

To be qualified for the award of a contract, tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:

1. General experience. The tenderer shall meet the following minimum criteria:

(a) average annual turnover as prime contractor (defined as billing for works in progress and completed) over the last five years of 10 000 000 EUR equivalent;

(b) successful experience as prime contractor in the execution of at least three projects of a nature and complexity comparable to the proposed contract completed within the last five years.

One of the projects shall have a minimum value of 10 000 000 EUR equivalent and two shall have a minimum value of 5 000 000 EUR equivalent.

(c) Comparable nature and complexity shall be defined as having the following specific features in at least one of the projects:

- construction of sewers of at least 800 mm diameter at the rate of at least 5 km in one year in urban areas, in the last three years;

- construction of GRP sewers of at least 1 500 mm diameter at a depth greater than 6 metres and beneath the water table in urban areas for a distance of at least 1 km, in the last three years;

- replacement or rehabilitation of sewers of at least 800 mm diameter for a distance of at least 2 km in urban areas including the transfer of live connections, in the last three years.

2. Financial position. The tenderer shall demonstrate that it has access to, or has available, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means sufficient to meet the construction cash flow for the contract for a period of 36 months, estimated as not less than 5 000 000 EUR equivalent, apart from the tenderer\'s commitments for other contracts.

Tender documents may be obtained from the office at the address below upon payment of a non-refundable fee of 700 EUR or its equivalent in Romanian lei (ROL). If requested, the documents will be promptly dispatched by courier in exchange for a payment of 100 EUR, to be paid at the same time as the fee for the tender documents, but no liability can be accepted for loss or late delivery.

Payments may be made by cheque to the Employer, in cash (only Romanian lei) directly to the cashier of the Employer or by inter-bank transfer to the Employer\'s account with the BRD-SG Sucursala Timis (Romania), in Romania lei account No 7009123600, client code 66723600 or euro account no 14034823600, client code 66723600. All cheque and bank transfer charges shall be paid by the tenderer.

Only parties that have purchased the tender documents and have returned the duly completed acknowledgement of receipt will be considered eligible to submit tenders.

All tenders must be valid for ninety (90) days and be accompanied by a tender security of 300 000 EUR (three hundred thousand euro) or any other freely-convertible currency. The tender security shall be valid for a period of not less than twenty-eight (28) days after the period of tender validity without any interest or compensation to be paid by the Employer.

A site visit will be organised by the Employer on 6th April 2004 at the address below, at 10:00 hours, local time.

Tenders must be delivered to the office at the address below on or before 10:00 hours, local time, 11th May 2004, at which time they will be opened in the presence of those tenderers\' representatives who choose to attend.

A register of potential tenderers who have purchased the tender documents may be inspected at the address below.

Prospective tenderers may obtain further information from, and inspect and acquire the tender documents at, the following office:

Contact Name: Luminta Cocard, Employer: Regia Autonoma Apa Si Canal Timisoara (\'Aquatim\'), Address: Str. Gheorghe Lazar No 11/A, 300081 Timisoara, Romania. Tel.: 40 256 294751. Fax: 40 256 294753.


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